My friend Jennifer tagged me with this here goes, the ABC's of my sweetie, Chris.
A-Automobile of choice? Of choice, with no mind to price or gas mileage? It's a tie between a Corvette convertible and a Hummer...I know, like total opposites, I was pretty surprised when I asked him.
B - Born? April 4th
C-Cookies or Candy? Cookies...any kind, I don't think we've found one he won't eat yet.
D-Date of Choice when you go out? Dinner and a Movie...although around here, we really don't have much choice!
E-Essential Item? His cell phone/PDA...he's addicted.
F-Favorite Foods? Are you kidding, I have to only pick a couple?!? Sushi, Crab Legs, and Steak.
G-Gas or Diesel vehicle? Gas
H-Hobbies? Playing golf, SCUBA diving, messing around on the computer, and growing tomatoes.
I-Ice Cream Flavor? Coffee...more specifically Bruster's Toffee Coffee
J-Job? Mechanical Enginner
K-Kids? 2 - Phillip & Andrew
L-Last Vacation as a couple? Technically, we just went to Gonzales, LA for a relative's wedding...but our last real vacation was to Hawaii in Jan. 2007
M-Morning person or night owl? I'd say night owl...I've slowly but surely turned him into one.
N-Number of Siblings? 1 sister...Terah, who's younger.
O-OCD or sloppy? Sloppy..Actually, the word I'd use is cluttery, but he's definitely NOT OCD!!
P-Pet Peeves? Rubber necking
Q-Quiet or Loud? Quiet
R-Restaurant? Beach Road Fried Chicken (in Jacksonville)
S-Sports? Playing - golf & softball...Watching - football, specifically college football and even more specifically, Gator football.
T-Tight wad or spender? Tight his defense, he has relaxed a little since we first got married.
U-Unknown Fact about him? He's an Eagle Scout...and very proud and always prepared.
V-Vegetables? Asparagus...ick!
W- Worst Habit? Picking his nose...I know, that's so gross and I'm sorry, but it's true.
X-Xtra Curricular activities in high school? Band - marching, jazz, and concert...playing trombone and tuba.
Y-Your favorite things about him? His smile, the way he makes me laugh, his computer expertise, how great he is at helping out, and what a great Dad he is to our boys.
Z-Zodiac Sign? Aries
I tag: Madeline, Marin, & Jenny...since all my other blogger friends have already been tagged.