B - Born? April 4th
C-Cookies or Candy? Cookies...any kind, I don't think we've found one he won't eat yet.
D-Date of Choice when you go out? Dinner and a Movie...although around here, we really don't have much choice!
E-Essential Item? His cell phone/PDA...he's addicted.
F-Favorite Foods? Are you kidding, I have to only pick a couple?!? Sushi, Crab Legs, and Steak.
G-Gas or Diesel vehicle? Gas
H-Hobbies? Playing golf, SCUBA diving, messing around on the computer, and growing tomatoes.
I-Ice Cream Flavor? Coffee...more specifically Bruster's Toffee Coffee
J-Job? Mechanical Enginner
I-Ice Cream Flavor? Coffee...more specifically Bruster's Toffee Coffee
J-Job? Mechanical Enginner
K-Kids? 2 - Phillip & Andrew
L-Last Vacation as a couple? Technically, we just went to Gonzales, LA for a relative's wedding...but our last real vacation was to Hawaii in Jan. 2007
M-Morning person or night owl? I'd say night owl...I've slowly but surely turned him into one.
L-Last Vacation as a couple? Technically, we just went to Gonzales, LA for a relative's wedding...but our last real vacation was to Hawaii in Jan. 2007
M-Morning person or night owl? I'd say night owl...I've slowly but surely turned him into one.
N-Number of Siblings? 1 sister...Terah, who's younger.
O-OCD or sloppy? Sloppy..Actually, the word I'd use is cluttery, but he's definitely NOT OCD!!
P-Pet Peeves? Rubber necking
O-OCD or sloppy? Sloppy..Actually, the word I'd use is cluttery, but he's definitely NOT OCD!!
P-Pet Peeves? Rubber necking
Q-Quiet or Loud? Quiet
R-Restaurant? Beach Road Fried Chicken (in Jacksonville)
S-Sports? Playing - golf & softball...Watching - football, specifically college football and even more specifically, Gator football.
T-Tight wad or spender? Tight wad...in his defense, he has relaxed a little since we first got married.
T-Tight wad or spender? Tight wad...in his defense, he has relaxed a little since we first got married.
U-Unknown Fact about him? He's an Eagle Scout...and very proud and always prepared.
V-Vegetables? Asparagus...ick!
W- Worst Habit? Picking his nose...I know, that's so gross and I'm sorry, but it's true.
X-Xtra Curricular activities in high school? Band - marching, jazz, and concert...playing trombone and tuba.
X-Xtra Curricular activities in high school? Band - marching, jazz, and concert...playing trombone and tuba.
Y-Your favorite things about him? His smile, the way he makes me laugh, his computer expertise, how great he is at helping out, and what a great Dad he is to our boys.
Z-Zodiac Sign? Aries
I tag: Madeline, Marin, & Jenny...since all my other blogger friends have already been tagged.
Hawaii must have been beautiful! That sounds like a wonderful vacation.
I'm guessing I'm tagged. How exactly do I play? Do I make up my own categories for each letter or use the same ones you used for yours?
It just means that you take and copy the whole thing and then insert your own answers about your husband. So, use the same categories or questions. Thanks for playing along!!
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