Edugator's Swamp
The musings and ponderings of me, Jen
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Friday, February 6, 2009
41 Odd Things About Me
This is going around e-mail, but I thought this might be a faster and easier way of getting the info out. Plus, I can break my 6+ months of having not posted to this blog! And, I know what the title says, but #23 and #31 are missing, so really 39 Odd Things About Me (isn't that enough anyway?!?)
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yuck, no
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yuck, no
2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Ick, no, not even one
3. Do you own a gun? No
4. What flavor Kool-Aid was your favorite? Cherry
5. Do you get nervous before Dr. appointments? Weirdly, yes
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Like em, the ones at ballparks are the best
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Miracle on 34th St. and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Strawberry milk
9. Can you do push-ups? Uh, doubtful
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? The diamond earrings that Chris gave me as a wedding present
11. Your favorite hobby? Does sleeping count? I not, then watching movies or reading
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? My temper
14. Middle name? Lynn
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? I'm super tired, I really should be posting more to this blog, I'm so glad both boys are sleeping
16. Current hate right now? My messy bedroom
17. Favorite place to be? Out with friends
18. How did you bring in the new year? After having gone to bed at 9 pm that night, I woke up at 11:59 pm, just in time to walk out and give my hubby a new year's kiss
19. Where would you like to go? Italy
20. Name two people to tag? Madeline, Marin, Jennifer L.
21. Do you own slippers? Yes
22. What shirt are you wearing? Gators Basketball Back-to-Back National Champions Shirt
24. Can you whistle? No, and it drives me crazy that I can't
25. Would you be a pirate? No, don't think I could handle the dreads
26. What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually hymns that just pop in my head, like "Days of Elijah"
27. Favorite girl's name? I'm in love with Kate right now, but it changes all the time
28. Favorite boy's name? Right now, it's Jackson
29. What's in your pocket right now? Kleenex
30. Last person that made you laugh? Andrew today at the Fire Station
32. Worst injury you've ever had? I dislocated my knee cap and then my Dad had to pop it back into place when it stayed dislocated
33. Do you love where you live? No, not really, but it's a secure job and there's lots of great friends here now
34. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
35. Who is your loudest friend? I'm sure most of my friends will say me! So, let me think...Hubbell or Maddie??
32. Worst injury you've ever had? I dislocated my knee cap and then my Dad had to pop it back into place when it stayed dislocated
33. Do you love where you live? No, not really, but it's a secure job and there's lots of great friends here now
34. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
35. Who is your loudest friend? I'm sure most of my friends will say me! So, let me think...Hubbell or Maddie??
36. How many dogs do you have? Two chocolate labs
37. Does someone have a crush on you? I hope my husband still does
38. What is your favorite book? The Alphabet Series by Sue Grafton and the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
39. What is your favorite candy? Andes Mints and 100 Grand
40. Favorite Sports Team? Duh, the Florida Gators - Go Gators!!
41. What song do you want played at your funeral? An awesome version of Amazing Grace, but NOT on the bagpipes!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My Family Sticker
Create your own family sticker graphic at

Isn't it cute?!? Click on the link above to create your own family sticker.
Monday, June 9, 2008
My Husband's ABC's
My friend Jennifer tagged me with this here goes, the ABC's of my sweetie, Chris.
A-Automobile of choice? Of choice, with no mind to price or gas mileage? It's a tie between a Corvette convertible and a Hummer...I know, like total opposites, I was pretty surprised when I asked him.
B - Born? April 4th
C-Cookies or Candy? Cookies...any kind, I don't think we've found one he won't eat yet.
D-Date of Choice when you go out? Dinner and a Movie...although around here, we really don't have much choice!
E-Essential Item? His cell phone/PDA...he's addicted.
F-Favorite Foods? Are you kidding, I have to only pick a couple?!? Sushi, Crab Legs, and Steak.

B - Born? April 4th
C-Cookies or Candy? Cookies...any kind, I don't think we've found one he won't eat yet.
D-Date of Choice when you go out? Dinner and a Movie...although around here, we really don't have much choice!
E-Essential Item? His cell phone/PDA...he's addicted.
F-Favorite Foods? Are you kidding, I have to only pick a couple?!? Sushi, Crab Legs, and Steak.
G-Gas or Diesel vehicle? Gas
H-Hobbies? Playing golf, SCUBA diving, messing around on the computer, and growing tomatoes.
I-Ice Cream Flavor? Coffee...more specifically Bruster's Toffee Coffee
J-Job? Mechanical Enginner
I-Ice Cream Flavor? Coffee...more specifically Bruster's Toffee Coffee
J-Job? Mechanical Enginner
K-Kids? 2 - Phillip & Andrew
L-Last Vacation as a couple? Technically, we just went to Gonzales, LA for a relative's wedding...but our last real vacation was to Hawaii in Jan. 2007
M-Morning person or night owl? I'd say night owl...I've slowly but surely turned him into one.
L-Last Vacation as a couple? Technically, we just went to Gonzales, LA for a relative's wedding...but our last real vacation was to Hawaii in Jan. 2007
M-Morning person or night owl? I'd say night owl...I've slowly but surely turned him into one.
N-Number of Siblings? 1 sister...Terah, who's younger.
O-OCD or sloppy? Sloppy..Actually, the word I'd use is cluttery, but he's definitely NOT OCD!!
P-Pet Peeves? Rubber necking
O-OCD or sloppy? Sloppy..Actually, the word I'd use is cluttery, but he's definitely NOT OCD!!
P-Pet Peeves? Rubber necking
Q-Quiet or Loud? Quiet
R-Restaurant? Beach Road Fried Chicken (in Jacksonville)
S-Sports? Playing - golf & softball...Watching - football, specifically college football and even more specifically, Gator football.
T-Tight wad or spender? Tight his defense, he has relaxed a little since we first got married.
T-Tight wad or spender? Tight his defense, he has relaxed a little since we first got married.
U-Unknown Fact about him? He's an Eagle Scout...and very proud and always prepared.
V-Vegetables? Asparagus...ick!
W- Worst Habit? Picking his nose...I know, that's so gross and I'm sorry, but it's true.
X-Xtra Curricular activities in high school? Band - marching, jazz, and concert...playing trombone and tuba.
X-Xtra Curricular activities in high school? Band - marching, jazz, and concert...playing trombone and tuba.
Y-Your favorite things about him? His smile, the way he makes me laugh, his computer expertise, how great he is at helping out, and what a great Dad he is to our boys.
Z-Zodiac Sign? Aries
I tag: Madeline, Marin, & Jenny...since all my other blogger friends have already been tagged.Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My ABC's

B-best friend(s): Tina, Madeline, Somer, Kelly, and I'm probably forgetting a few...I know it's breaking the rules, but it's too hard to just pick one.
C-cake or pie: Cake, for sure...although there are some really good peanut butter/chocolate pies out there. I'm just not a big fan of fruit pies.
D-day of choice: Saturday, for sure...I sometimes get to sleep in!!
E-essential item: Kleenex...I know, boring, but very true for me.
F-favorite color: Purple...right now at least, but it's always changing.
G-gummie worms or bears: Bears...the worms are just too weird and gross.
H-hometown: Clearwater, FL...born and raised.
I-indulgences: Periodic pedicures and girl's night out
J-January or July: January...July is waaaayyyy too hot!!
K-kids: 2...Phillip & Andrew
L-life is incomplete without: Faith and Friends
M-marriage date: August 14, 1998
N-number of Siblings: 1...older brother, Casey
O-oranges or apples: Apples...Red delicious, please
P-phobias or fears: Tornadoes
Q-quote: "Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much"...I know it's generic, but I think it's a great one to live by.
R-reason to smile: Hearing my kids laugh...I know it's cheesy, but true and waking up on a Saturday morning and realizing it's Saturday and Chris is getting up with the kids...that's the best!
S-season: Autumn...I'll take cooler temperatures, a nice breeze, and long sleeves any day.
T-tags: Madeline, Susan, & Jennifer...some of my fellow bloggers.
U-unknown fact about me: I took ballet for about 8 years...I know, shocking, isn't it?
V-vegetable: Peas...I just love them.
W-worst Habit: Yelling when I get mad.
X-x-ray or ultrasound: Ultrasound...because there is no radiation involved, and the only ones I've ever had have been very happy moments.
Y-your favorite food: French fries, white chocolate, Coke icees...I could go on and on, it's way too hard to pick just one.
Z-Zodiac sign: Sagittarius & Scorpio...I'm right on the cusp, it depends which chart you look at.
If you've got a blog, post your ABC's, it's always fun to learn more about your friends.
Friday, May 23, 2008
My Pottery Experience
A group of my friends from MOPS went to our local pottery place recently for a Mom's Night Out. I'd heard about these places and how much fun they were, but I wasn't all that sure it would be all that fun. I was totally wrong!! We had a blast. It was a little hard letting go for those of us who have OCD tendencies, but just know going in that your piece is not going to be perfect, but it will be yours. Here are a few of my friends painting their pieces.

If you are not a good decision maker, this is not the place for you. First, you have to decide which piece you want to decorate - and there are tons to choose from. Then you have to decide what you want to paint on it. After that, you have to decide which colors and fonts to use. It's exhausting making all those decisions. But, my friends were great in giving me their advice as was the owner of the shop. Make sure to invite at least one really crafty friend with you when you go. (Thanks Autumn!!) I almost wish I went in and they said here, do this with these colors and these fonts. Luckily, I had read about another MOPS group doing 'Special Day Plates' for one of their meetings. It sounded like such a cute idea, that I knew I wanted to do something along those lines. But, there are so many plates, platters, serving trays, etc. to choose from. I got most of my ideas from looking at idea books and pictures of other people's work, but I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. I didn't want it to be for one specific child or one specific holiday, so now we have a special plate any of my guys can use for any special occasion.

Post a comment and tell me if you've ever been and what you've made.
Crystal, Nancy, Liz, and Wendy

If you are not a good decision maker, this is not the place for you. First, you have to decide which piece you want to decorate - and there are tons to choose from. Then you have to decide what you want to paint on it. After that, you have to decide which colors and fonts to use. It's exhausting making all those decisions. But, my friends were great in giving me their advice as was the owner of the shop. Make sure to invite at least one really crafty friend with you when you go. (Thanks Autumn!!) I almost wish I went in and they said here, do this with these colors and these fonts. Luckily, I had read about another MOPS group doing 'Special Day Plates' for one of their meetings. It sounded like such a cute idea, that I knew I wanted to do something along those lines. But, there are so many plates, platters, serving trays, etc. to choose from. I got most of my ideas from looking at idea books and pictures of other people's work, but I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. I didn't want it to be for one specific child or one specific holiday, so now we have a special plate any of my guys can use for any special occasion.
This is the before picture, it's been painted but not fired yet.

And the finished product!

Another Fun Game
Okay, I found another one of these little quizzes to take for fun. I got it from a friend (thanks Jennifer), and I just knew I was going to fail. Science is totally not my thing, so I'm pretty happy with my C. Click on the link and try it out for yourself and make sure you leave a comment and let me know what you got! Enjoy!

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