The musings and ponderings of me, Jen
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Friday, May 23, 2008
Another Fun Game
Okay, I found another one of these little quizzes to take for fun. I got it from a friend (thanks Jennifer), and I just knew I was going to fail. Science is totally not my thing, so I'm pretty happy with my C. Click on the link and try it out for yourself and make sure you leave a comment and let me know what you got! Enjoy!

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Our of the 4 of us (Emily, Susan, you and me) you did the best. That's great! For not liking science, you have retained the information.
I got a 61%. That's a D-. I'm not ashamed, however. This has been my story since high school. Do you remember Mr. Royal (I think that was his name)? He was the physics teacher. He was out sick for a few weeks and when he came back, he demanded in front of the whole class to know why/how in his absence, I was chosen to participate in the physics competition!!!!.... haha!
Thanks for the fun - enjoy reading both your blogs!
Not to brag or anything but I got a 96%. To bad that once I got into college science I sucked at it. LOL!
I missed 3 questions. Metamorphic rock, transpiration and aerobic/anaerobic. 88% Needless to say I was disappointed. In my defense, I was never taught anything about transpiration.
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