The ladies of my Sunday school class just started our third Bible study. We're doing The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie O'Martian. I'm really excited because I don't feel like I've ever known how to pray. Both my pastor and Sunday school teacher have recently talked about the proper way to pray and what Jesus said about praying. One of the neatest things about it is she has actual prayers to pray after each lesson demonstrating what she's trying to teach you. I'll keep you updated on what we learn.
We've only done the introduction, but I can't wait to get started. I'm really going to try to work on giving myself some quiet time to talk with God. It's hard, we all have busy lives and lots of excuses, but it's important. And I need to make myself do it, it needs to become a priority. I'm sure it will be short and slow at first, but I'm really going to try. I also can't wait to share my struggles and triumphs with my fellow Bible studiers. It's so nice to know these ladies struggle with some of the same things I do and are there to encourage me through them. I feel I have so much to learn, may the Lord bless all of us as we strive to improve our prayer lives.
I'd love to hear what you have to say about prayer. When do you do it? How do you do it? Do you feel like your prayer life could improve?
The musings and ponderings of me, Jen
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Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I Think They Got It Right
As you can see from the (incomplete) list to the left, I'm a pretty avid TV watcher, some might even say addict (insert *gasp* here). Due to the writer's strike, there aren't very many shows that are new right now, which is a total bummer. Luckily, a few of my favorites are on and my DVR has been busily recording.
Let's talk some American Idol. I think so far, America has gotten it right. It wasn't that I didn't like Amanda, but she was getting very predictable and even a little boring. I know she was supposed to be the 'rocker' chick, but that doesn't mean that she can't mix it up a little bit. And I just wasn't a big fan of her raspy voice. It is a little sad for her that she didn't make it in to that elusive 10, but that's the way it goes I guess.
Digressing a bit to last week, I was very surprised that David H. went home first, but I don't think he would have made it into the top 5 anyway, so it really didn't matter that he went home then instead of in a couple of weeks. I've heard lots of people saying that it didn't affect the outcome, but I do think he lost votes because of his past. I've heard from lots of my friends the same thing that I thought. I liked him a lot in the beginning, but then I found out what he used to do and I just didn't like him quite as much.
I still don't know who my favorites are. Normally by now, there's a few people that are really standing out and I'm rooting for, but not yet. I guess I am leaning towards a few people: David Cook, Brooke White, and Jason Castro (although I can't stand his hair). But, it's an ever changing thing, so we'll see.
Let's move on to Lost, one of my favorites! What is up?? Those writers are crazy. They always manage to surprise, no matter how many scenarios you conjure up in your head, they do something different. Michael on the boat?!? That's crazy. And that flash tonight, was it a flash forward or a flashback? Well, neither really. It was a flash between. It took me about half way through the episode and my husband explaining it to me to finally figure it out. And then Sayid totally ratting him out? What's up with that? You'd think he'd want to try to use him to get out of there. Anyway, I don't even try to figure it out or predict what's going to happen anymore, I just watch and get entertained.
And finally, I watched Miss Guided tonight for the first time. I watched the first two episodes. It was pretty good, we'll see how it goes.
That's it for my TV ramblings, let me know what you think. Toodles...
Let's talk some American Idol. I think so far, America has gotten it right. It wasn't that I didn't like Amanda, but she was getting very predictable and even a little boring. I know she was supposed to be the 'rocker' chick, but that doesn't mean that she can't mix it up a little bit. And I just wasn't a big fan of her raspy voice. It is a little sad for her that she didn't make it in to that elusive 10, but that's the way it goes I guess.
Digressing a bit to last week, I was very surprised that David H. went home first, but I don't think he would have made it into the top 5 anyway, so it really didn't matter that he went home then instead of in a couple of weeks. I've heard lots of people saying that it didn't affect the outcome, but I do think he lost votes because of his past. I've heard from lots of my friends the same thing that I thought. I liked him a lot in the beginning, but then I found out what he used to do and I just didn't like him quite as much.
I still don't know who my favorites are. Normally by now, there's a few people that are really standing out and I'm rooting for, but not yet. I guess I am leaning towards a few people: David Cook, Brooke White, and Jason Castro (although I can't stand his hair). But, it's an ever changing thing, so we'll see.
Let's move on to Lost, one of my favorites! What is up?? Those writers are crazy. They always manage to surprise, no matter how many scenarios you conjure up in your head, they do something different. Michael on the boat?!? That's crazy. And that flash tonight, was it a flash forward or a flashback? Well, neither really. It was a flash between. It took me about half way through the episode and my husband explaining it to me to finally figure it out. And then Sayid totally ratting him out? What's up with that? You'd think he'd want to try to use him to get out of there. Anyway, I don't even try to figure it out or predict what's going to happen anymore, I just watch and get entertained.
And finally, I watched Miss Guided tonight for the first time. I watched the first two episodes. It was pretty good, we'll see how it goes.
That's it for my TV ramblings, let me know what you think. Toodles...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Love Songs
Well, hey there. I am now becoming fully insconsed in the world of blogging. It's pretty cool and can be downright addictive. It can also be dangerous when I have to remember to watch my kids instead of post or read other blogs!! As a female, I feel it is my right to absolutely love love songs. And I do, especially the cheesy ones! They're the best. I just came across this list of the world's cheesiest love songs on The Y! Radish's Music Playlist Blog. It includes classics from all the best, like Chicago, Air Supply, and Richard Marx. As sad as it is, I think I have most of them already downloaded! Check it out and download a few for your next romantic night!! Toodles...
Monday, March 17, 2008

May the grace of God’s protection
And His great love abide
Within your home-within the hearts
Of all who dwell inside.
On to more important matters...
Some of you may know this, but others may not. I am an avid TV watcher, an addict some may say. So, lots of my musings and ponderings will have to do with the TV shows that I love to watch. Maybe someday I'll write a list of all the shows I like to watch. But, I digress...
Chris and I both love Lost. We've been watching from the beginning and just can't seem to stop. The people who write that show are simply amazing. Just when you think one thing, it's something else entirely. Anyway, Jack is definitely more my type, but you've got to admit that Sawyer doesn't look too bad without his shirt on and his sense of humor absolutely kills me! If you watch the show, you know that Sawyer doesn't call anyone by their real name, he uses the most fabulous nicknames, which are normally very appropriate (albeit a little mean sometimes). He will now make up a nickname for you!! Just visit Sawyer's Nickname Generator to find out what yours would be if you were on the island with him.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Everything is Way Too Complicated...
It is Saturday night at about 8:15 pm. We got home from our outings today at about 2:30 pm. At that time, we put the kids down and I got on my computer to create a signature for my e-mail so I could promote my blogs. I've created signatures before, but none with links or hyperlinks. I didn't figure it would be much different. But, of course, it's never as easy as it should be. I thought it would be as easy as creating the signature that I wanted with the hyperlinks in Word and then attach it to my e-mail via file. Nope, not the way it works. If it sounds too easy, it normally is, right? So, between the internet and my very smart husband, we figured it out and it only took us about 5 hours (With a few interruptions named Phillip & Andrew)!! That's just crazy. And now I realize that the little blurb about me under my picture over there on the left does not say what I want it to. Why? Because I have both of my blogs under the same e-mail address. So, when I changed the 'About Me' section for my other blog, it changed it for this one too! Ahh! It's just too frustrating sometimes. I know that the blog sites want to keep it very simple so that everyone can use it. But, it's frustrating that I don't have some of the choices that I want. I'm somewhere in the middle of the no-html-knowledge person who really just need to be able to pick and click and the people who create these amazing html-heavy blogs. It's been over 10 years since I regularly used html code and I've lost a lot of it since I haven't been using it. I guess I better start brushing up. So, keep checking back as I try to learn more and improve the look of this blog. Toodles...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
A Little Fun
Just found these cool 'games' you can play and then post to your blog. Click on any of the below banners to take the tests yourself. Yet another thing for me to waste time doing...
Okay, you are not allowed to laugh...
32For my geographically challenged brain, I was pretty impressed with myself.
Being a former teacher, I couldn't pass this up. I'm very disappointed that I only scored 87%! That's only a B! And I hate misspelled words. Oh,well, take the test and see what you score.
Okay, you are not allowed to laugh...
32For my geographically challenged brain, I was pretty impressed with myself.
Being a former teacher, I couldn't pass this up. I'm very disappointed that I only scored 87%! That's only a B! And I hate misspelled words. Oh,well, take the test and see what you score.
I Scored a 87%!
Have fun. Toodles...
Have fun. Toodles...
Friday, March 7, 2008
Still Trying to Figure It All Out
Hello's me, Jen. Well, I kind of exploded onto the blogger scene starting 3 blogs at once. So, I'm still trying to figure it all out. I really need to start looking around and see some other people's blogs to get an idea of exactly what it is I'm supposed to be doing (and how I'm supposed to be doing it.) One of my other blogs (that's not up and running yet) is going to be completely devoted to my children and their lives and my musings on motherhood and childhood. I'm in the process of trying to come up with just the most clever title for it and having problems since I don't consider myself particularly clever. I doubt anyone is reading this except my husband and friend (mainly because I haven't told anyone else about it), but if you are and have a suggestion, please leave a comment. I hear so many cute titles that I then want to use myself! I want someone to read my title and wish they had thought of it. When you converse with a 3 and a 2 year old every day, it's hard to stretch your brain again to come up with an original thought. I'm really trying to use them for my inspiration, but it's hard. Well, I'm going out with another couple friend tonight and I couldn't be more excited! A night out without the kids, yeah! Maybe inspiration will strike, it normally does when you least expect it. Toodles...
Monday, March 3, 2008
I'm sure everyone says this, but welcome to my blog. I absolutely never thought that I would have a blog. Blogs are for angst-ridden college students and authors who have meaningful things to say. But, nonetheless, here it is. And here I am venturing into this unknown territory that is the 'blog'. I've already told you a little about myself on the right there and it doesn't get much more complicated than that.
I'm sure you are asking yourself "What is an edugator?" Well, I am a graduate of the University of Florida (Go Gators!!), who's mascot is the Gator. I am also an educator, more specifically, a 5th grade teacher at one time. So, when you combine educator and gator, you get "Edugator". I have been using this moniker since I first entered the College of Education way back in 1995 (gasp!). Now to be fair, I did not originally come up with this idea of joining educator and gator. Way back when I was in middle school, there was a series of T-shirts printed combining other occupations and adjectives with the word gator - like "litigator" and "exaggergator". "Edugator" was one of their creations and frankly, I 'borrowed' it!
As for the swamp...first, gators live in swamps, so that makes sense. Second, the Gator's football field is nicknamed the Swamp, so that also makes sense. Finally, I suffer from Mommy Brain, a condition severely limiting your capacity to think strait once you have children. It results in forgetfulness, becoming scatter-brained, misspelling very common words, and calling your children by the wrong names, among other things. This condition is especially noticeable in reasonably intelligent, pretty with-it women. So, my brain often feels like it is a swamp and my thoughts are quickly sinking in all the muck.
That's it for my first post! Toodles...
I'm sure you are asking yourself "What is an edugator?" Well, I am a graduate of the University of Florida (Go Gators!!), who's mascot is the Gator. I am also an educator, more specifically, a 5th grade teacher at one time. So, when you combine educator and gator, you get "Edugator". I have been using this moniker since I first entered the College of Education way back in 1995 (gasp!). Now to be fair, I did not originally come up with this idea of joining educator and gator. Way back when I was in middle school, there was a series of T-shirts printed combining other occupations and adjectives with the word gator - like "litigator" and "exaggergator". "Edugator" was one of their creations and frankly, I 'borrowed' it!
As for the swamp...first, gators live in swamps, so that makes sense. Second, the Gator's football field is nicknamed the Swamp, so that also makes sense. Finally, I suffer from Mommy Brain, a condition severely limiting your capacity to think strait once you have children. It results in forgetfulness, becoming scatter-brained, misspelling very common words, and calling your children by the wrong names, among other things. This condition is especially noticeable in reasonably intelligent, pretty with-it women. So, my brain often feels like it is a swamp and my thoughts are quickly sinking in all the muck.
That's it for my first post! Toodles...
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